
In the early 20th century, a group of renowned paranormal investigators known as the "Spectral Pursuit Society" devoted their lives to uncovering the mysteries of the afterlife. They documented their findings in a series of journals, detailing their encounters with vengeful spirits and restless souls. These journals were thought to be lost to time until they resurfaced in the present day. Inspired by their work, a new generation of investigators forms the modern Spectral Pursuit team, determined to continue their legacy and delve even deeper into the world of the supernatural.

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  • - Players choose one of the three heroes, each with their own unique abilities and equipment.

  • - Explore a variety of haunted locations, from abandoned asylums to haunted mansions, searching for clues and evidence of paranormal activity.

  • - Gather evidence using tools like EMF meters, EVP recorders, and UV lights.

  • - Use your investigative skills to piece together the history of the spirits and determine their weaknesses.

  • - Engage in chilling confrontations with malevolent entities as you attempt to cleanse the area of supernatural threats.

  • - Collaborate with your team to ensure everyone's survival, using each character's strengths to your advantage.

  • - The game features both single-player and multiplayer modes, with the intensity increasing as more players join the investigation.

  • - As you progress, uncover the secrets of the Spectral Pursuit Society and the dark forces they encountered in the past.


known for their analytical mind and the ability to set up advanced monitoring equipment to capture paranormal activity.



known for their analytical mind and the ability to set up advanced monitoring equipment to capture paranormal activity.



known for their analytical mind and the ability to set up advanced monitoring equipment to capture paranormal activity.



known for their analytical mind and the ability to set up advanced monitoring equipment to capture paranormal activity.

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